Module: Abraham Firkovitch
Firkovitch CollectionFirkovitch Collection onlineWorks Cited
The Firkovitch Collection and its Importance
For some background information on the most important collections of Karaite manuscripts, see Olga Vasilyeva (2014), “Documents in the Firkovich Collection: Valuable Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in Europe and the Middle East from the 12th to the 19th century” in Karaite Archives 2, 201–220.
For introductions on both Firkovitch Collections, see First Firkovitch Collection and Second Firkovitch Collection.
Why is the collection important?
- Leningrad Codex: The most important manuscript in the Firkovitch collection is without doubt the Leningrad Codex. See the trailer of a recent documentary on another equally prominent Masoretic codex, the Aleppo Codex, here.
- Samaritan mss
- As the primary repository of Karaite literature (some but far fewer texts in British Library, BNF, Berlin). Some Karaite texts were translated into Hebrew in Byzantium.
- This was the historic content of the Dār al-ʿIlm Karaite institution in Jerusalem.
Where to consult the Firkovitch collection online?
Ketiv also offers access to low-resolution images of most manuscripts from Russian collections (incl. Antonin, Firkóvitch, Guenzburg) which are not available on FGP.
- For a sample, see this manuscript. What does it contain?
- Check out a random manuscript for yourself. Pick one that interests you and present it to the class.
Works Cited and Further Reading
Akhiezer, Golda. 2018. “Historical Research and Forgeries in the Age of Nationalism: The Case of the Russian Empire Between Jews and Russians.” East European Jewish Affairs 48 (2): 101–17. Cite
Harviainen, Tapani. 1996. “The Cairo Genizot and Other Sources of the Second Firkovich Collection in St. Petersburg.” In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies, 1995, edited by E.J. Revell, 25–36. Masoretic Studies 8. Atlanta: Scholars Press. Cite
National Library of Russia. n.d. “Hebrew Manuscripts in the Collections of the National Library of Russia: First Firkovich Collection.” NLR Online Exhibitions. Accessed May 14, 2020. Cite
National Library of Russia. n.d. “Hebrew Manuscripts in the Collections of the National Library of Russia: Second Firkovich Collection.” NLR Online Exhibitions. Accessed May 14, 2020. Cite
Vasilyeva, Olga. 2014. “Documents in the Firkovich Collection: Valuable Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in Europe and the Middle East from the 12th to the 19th Century.” Karaite Archives 2:201–20. Cite
אלקין || Elkin, זאב || Zeev, and מנחם || Menahem בן-ששון || Ben Sasson. 2002. “אברהם פירקוביץ’ וגניזות קהיר: בעקבות עיון בארכיונו האישי || Abraham Firkowicz and the Cairo Genizah: On the Tracks of the Study of his Private Archive.” פעמים: רבעון לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח || Pe’amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry 90:51–95. Cite
בן-ששון || Ben Sasson, מנחם || Menahem. 1991. “לשאלת מקור האוסף השני של פירקוביץ’: הערות על מקורות היסטוריים והלכתיים || Firkovich’s Second Collection: Remarks on Historical and Halakhic Material.” מדעי היהדות || Jewish Studies 31:47–67. Cite