


By Rogers

Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1879. “Arabic Amulets and Mottoes.” The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 11 (1). Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1879. “Dialects of Colloquial Arabic.” The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 11 (3). Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1873. “Glass as a Material for Standard Coin Weights.” The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society 13. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1875. “Notice on the Dinars of the Abbasside Dynasty.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 7. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1878. “Unpublished Glass Weights and Measures.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 31. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1874. “Notes on Some Inedited Coin of the Dynasty of the Khalifahs of Bani Umeya.” The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society 14. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1885. “Rapport Sur Le Lieu de Sépulture Des Khalifes Abbassides de La Deuxième Dynastie, Présenté Au Comité de Conservation Des Monuments de l’Art Arabe Par Son Secrétaire Rogers Bey.” Comité de Conservation Des Monuments de l’Art Arabe 1884 (2): 21–28. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1883. “Catalogue of the Collection of Mohammadan Coins.” The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society 3:202–60. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1871. “Early Dirhem of the Ommeyade Dynasty.” The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society 11 (256–257). Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1880. “Notice sur les papyrus posterieurs a l’ère chrétienne.” Bulletin de l’Institut d’Égypte 1:9–23. Cite
“Mémoire sur certaines inscriptions en caractères coufiques carrés.” 1881. Bulletin de l’Institut Egyptien 2:100–106. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1883. “Das Wappenwesen der muhamedanischen Fürsten in Egypten und Syrien.” Vierteljahrsschrift für Heraldik, Sphragistik und Genealogie 11:407–30. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1879. “Discovery of Fragments of Papyri in the Fayyûm.” The Academy 15:391. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1879. “More Papyri from the Fayyûm.” The Academy 16:177–78. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1883. “Notice sur le lieu de sépulture des khalifes abbassides de la deuxième dynastie.” Bulletin de l’Institut Egyptien 4:106–26. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1880. “Le blason chez les princes musulmans de l’Égypte et de la Syrie.” Bulletin de l’Institut Egyptien 1:83–131. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1877. The coins of the Ṭúlúni dynasty. London: Trübner & Co. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1871. “A dinar of Bedr, son of Husnawiyeh.” The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society 11:258–63. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas. 1878. “Arabic and Other Papyri.” The Academy 14:244. Cite
Rogers, Edward Thomas, Fahmy pacha Hussein, and Mahmoud bey el-Falaki. 1892. “Procès-Verbal N°7.” Comité de Conservation DesMonuments de l’Art Arabe 1. Cite
Shelaby, Jacob Esh. 1855. Notices of the Modern Samaritans, Illustrated by Incidents in the Life of Jacob Esh Shelaby / Gathered from Him and Translated by E.T. Rogers. London: Samps. Low and Son. Cite

About Rogers

Berlis Angela, de Groot Christiana, and Fischer Irmtraud. 2021. Frauenbewegungen des 19. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer. Cite
Burton, Isabel. 1875. The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land: From My Private Journal. London: Henry S. King & Co. Cite
Ioppolo, Fabio. 2020. “The Sister, the King, and yet Another Consul: Additional Evidence of Early European Interest in the Qubbat al-Khazna.” In The Damascus Fragments: Towards a History of the Qubbat al-Khazna Corpus of Manuscripts and Documents, edited by Arianne d’Ottone Rambach, Konrad Hirschler, and Ronny Vollandt, 91–104. Beiruter Texte Und Studien 140. Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut. Cite
Karmel, Aleks. 1975. Geschichte Haifas in Der Türkischen Zeit. Abhandlungen Des Deutschen Palästinavereins. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Cite
Liebrenz, Boris. 2020. “Fire, Consuls, and Scholars: Conflicting Views on the Discovery of the Qubbat al-Khazna Documents.” In The Damascus Fragments: Towards a History of the Qubbat al-Khazna Corpus of Manuscripts and Documents, edited by Arianne d’Ottone Rambach, Konrad Hirschler, and Ronny Vollandt, 75–90. Beiruter Texte Und Studien 140. Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut. Cite
Rogers, Mary Eliza. 1862. Domestic Life in Palestine. Bell & Daldy. Cite
Rogers, Mary Eliza. 1868. “Books and Book-Binding in Syria and Palestine.” The Art Journal 7:part 1, 41-43; part 2, 113–15. Cite
Seikaly, May. n.d. “حيفا العربية، ٨١٩١-٩٣٩١ : التطور الاجتماعي والاقتصادي |” Accessed December 5, 2022. Cite
Socin, Albert. 1880. Palästina Und Syrien: Handbuch Für Reisende. Leipzig: Baedeker. Cite
Soden, Hermann von. 1901. “Ein Weihnachtsgeschenk Des Sultans an Die Deutsche Wissenschaft.” Die Christliche Welt 15:1247–49. Cite
Willson, Rachel Beckles. 2013. Orientalism and Musical Mission: Palestine and the West. Cambridge University Press. Cite
Wilson, Charles William. 1881. Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Cite
Yazbak, Maḥmūd. 1998. Haifa in the Late Ottoman Period 1864 - 1914 ; a Muslim Town in Transition. Leiden: Brill. Cite
الزيات, حبيب. 1982. خزائن الكتب في دمشق و ضواحيها في أربعة أجزاء: دمشق و صيدنايا و معلولا و يبرود. Damascus: Maṭabiʿ ʿalif bāʾ lil-adīb. Cite
“Rogers Bey.” 1884. The Athenaeum, no. 2957, 825. Cite
“Rogers Bey.” 1884. The Athenaeum, no. 2955, 759. Cite