
Student Project

Leonie Rogg: Shapira Hunter Pages
These pages about Shapira were created as a research project by Leonie Rogg.



By Shapira

Shapira, S. B. B. n.d. Eigenhändiges Verzeichnis Der von Shapira Gesammelten Hebr. Handschriften. Accessed April 19, 2020. Cite

About Shapira

Shapira, Dan D.Y. 2015. “On Firkowicz, Forgeries and Forging Jewish Identities.” In Manufacturing a Past for the Present: Forgery and Authenticity in Medievalist Texts and Objects in Nineteenth-Century Europe, edited by János M. Bak, Patrick J. Geary, and Gábor Klaniczay, 156–69. Leiden; Boston: Brill. Cite
Guil, Shlomo. 2017. “The Shapira Scroll Was an Authentic Dead Sea Scroll.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 149 (1): 6–27. Cite
Jefferson, Rebecca. 2018. “Deconstructing ‘the Cairo Genizah’: A Fresh Look at Genizah Manuscript Discoveries in Cairo before 1897.” Jewish Quarterly Review 108 (4): 422–48. Cite
Mansoor, Menahem. 1956. “The Case If Shapira’s Dead Sea (Deuteronomy) Scroll of 1883.” Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, no. 47. Cite
Mansoor, Menahem. 1964. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Leiden: Brill. Cite
Levy, Thomas Evan. 1998. The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land. London, Washington: Leicester University Press. Cite
Tigay, Chanan. 2016. The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the World’s Oldest Bible. New York: Ecco. Cite
Allegro, John Marco. 1965. The Shapira Affair. London: The National Library of Israel. Cite
Goshem-Gottstein, M.H. 1956. “The Shapira Forgery and the Qumran Scrolls.” Journal of Jewish Studies 7:187–93. Cite
Jefferson, Helen G. 1968. “The Shapira Manuscript and the Qumran Scrolls.” Revue de Qumrân 6 (3): 391–299. Cite
none. 1883. “The Shapira Manuscripts.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 15 (4): 195–209. Cite
Rabinowicz, Oskar K. 1965. “The Shapira Scroll: A Nineteenth-Century Forgery.” The Jewish Quarterly Review 56 (1): 1–21. Cite
Csato, Eva. A. 2015. “The Present State of Karaim Studies: Report on the Szeged Workshop on Karaim Studies, June 13th, 2014.” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung 68 (2): 151–66. Cite
Heide, Martin. 2012. “‘The Moabitica and Their Aftermath. How to Handle a Forgery Affair with an International Impact’ in: New Inscriptions and Seals Relating to the Biblical World, Ed. by E. & M. Lubetski, Atlanta: SBL 2012, Pp. 193–241.” New Inscriptions and Seals Relating to the Biblical World, no. 19, 193–241. Cite
Crown, A.D. 1970. “The Fate of the Shapira Scroll.” Revue de Qumran, no. 7, 421–23. Cite
Deuel, Leo. 1965. Testaments of Time : The Search for Lost Manuscripts and Records. Baltimore: Penguin. Cite
Reiner, Fred N. 2011. Standing at Sinai: Sermons and Writings. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse. Cite
Heide, Martin. 2012. “The Moabitica and Their Aftermath: How to Handle a Forgery Affair with an International Impact.” In New Inscriptions and Seals Relating to the Biblical World, edited by Meir Lubetski and Edith Lubetski, 193–242. Society of Biblical Literature. Cite
The Athenaeum. n.d. Francis. Cite
Tahan, Ilana. 2008. “The Hebrew Collection of the British Library: Past and Present.” European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe 41 (2): 43–55. Cite
Figeac, Petra. 2008. “The Hebrew Collection of the Berlin State Library.” European Judaism 41 (2). Cite
The Athenaeum. n.d. Francis. Cite
Sirat, Colette. 1984. Les fragments Shapira. Leuven: Peeters. Cite
Unknown. 1883. “Shapira’s MSS.” The Old Testament Student 3 (1): 23–25. Cite
סבו, יורם, ג’ רוזן, and Yoram Sabo. 2013. “Moses Wilhelm Shapira and the Moabite Clays / בין מומר לזייפן: מוזס וילהלם שפירא ופרשת חרסי מואב.” Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly / זמנים: רבעון להיסטוריה, no. 123, 70–81. Cite
Carter, Albert C.R. 1940. Let Me Tell You. London: Hutchinson & co. Cite
Clermont-Ganneau, Charles. 1885. Les fraudes archéologiques en Palestine: suivies de quelques monuments phéniciens apocryphes. Paris: E. Leroux. Cite
Unknown. 1902. “Shapira the Philological Forger.” Scientific American 87 (4): 51. Cite
Société des études juives (France), Ecole pratique des hautes études (France). Section des sciences économiques et sociales, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, and Société des études juives (France). Actes et conférences. 1891. Revue des études juives 1891. [Paris, s.n.]. Cite
Goren, Haim. 1999. “‘Lkw ḥiyqrw ʼet haʼareṣ’: hameḥqar hagermaniy šel ʼEreṣ-Yiśraʼel bameʼah hatšaʻ-ʻeśreh.” Yrwšalayim = Jerusalem: Hwṣ. Yad Yiṣḥaq Ben-Ṣbiy = Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi. Cite
Harry, Myriam. 1914. La petite fille de Jérusalem. Paris: Fayard. Cite
Delitzsch, Franz. n.d. “Schapira’s Pseudo-Deuteronomium.” Allgemeine Lutherische Kirchenzeitung, no. 16, 844–9161883. Cite
Schlottman, Konstantin. n.d. “Neue Moabitische Funde Und Rät - Neue Moabitische Funde Und Räthsel: Erster Bericht.” Zeitschriften Der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Accessed April 29, 2020. Cite
Shapira, S. B. B. n.d. Eigenhändiges Verzeichnis Der von Shapira Gesammelten Hebr. Handschriften. Accessed April 19, 2020. Cite
Guil, Shlomo. 2012. “In Search of the Shop of Moses Wilhelm Shapira, the Leading Figure of the 19TH Century Archaeological Enigma.” Cite
Reiner, Fred N. 1995. “C.D. Ginsburg and the Shapira Affair: A Nineteenth-Century Dead Sea Scroll Controversy.” The British Library Journal 21 (1): 109–27. Cite
Guthe, Hermann. 1883. Fragmente einer Lederhandschrift enthaltend Mose’s letzte Rede an die Kinder Israel, mitgetheilt ... Lepizig: Breitkopf & Härtel. Cite
Gibson, Shimon. 2000. “Conrad Schick (1822–1901), the Palestine Exploration Fund and an ‘Archaic Hebrew’ Inscription from Jerusalem.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 132 (2): 113–22. Cite
Hoerning, Reinhart. 1889. British Museum Karaite Mss. : Descriptions and Collation of Six Karaite Manuscripts of Portions of the Hebrew Bible in Arabic Characters : With a Complete Reproduction of the Autotype Process of One, Exodus I, 1-VIII, 5, in 42 Facsimiles. London : Williams and Norgate. Cite
Khan, Geoffrey. 1990. Karaite Bible Manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cite
Richler, Benjamin. 1994. Guide to Hebrew Manuscript Collections ). Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences. Cite